case studies
Unexplained Infertility
Ruth contacted me after one of her friends suggested to try homeopathy about her unexplained infertility. She had a 3-year-old daughter at the time and she and her partner were trying for another baby for almost two years, with no luck.
In the meantime, she had an unexplained miscarriage. She was referred to the fertility clinic and went through all the necessary medical tests. Both her and her husband were very heathy and there were no medical interventions to be made to help them conceive naturally, so they were thinking of going down the route of IVF treatment. This was the point when Ruth contacted me.
Trying unsuccessfully for another baby had been exhausting for both Ruth and her husband. They wanted another child to complete their family and that was becoming very stressful for them both, bringing a strain to their relationship as well. “I was in a dark place, very low, exhausted and miserable. My partner and I had been trying for a baby for more than a year and I had just had an early miscarriage.”
I went through her emotions and how she felt about not being able to conceive, her fears, anxieties, mental and physical state. Lots of emotions came up and it was revealing. “Yiota came to my house and I opened up easily to her about my past. After some tears and a homeopathic medicine, I felt a weight had been lifted. I confronted my demons and this was a big issue for me”.
She was prescribed the homeopathic medicine Sepia in 200 potency, a homeopathic medicine made of the ink of the cuttlefish. The remedy matched her physical and mental complaints and her state as a whole. After the medicine, Ruth had a dramatic improvement. When I met her after 4-5 weeks of receiving the medicine and had a follow up appointment I saw a different person; more positive and energised, carefree, her relationship with her husband improved, calm and reflective. She described it to me like a dark cloud that had been lifted from over her head! “Hand on my heart, the remedy worked for me. I look back at myself a year ago, and I feel a different person.”
We continued the sessions and the treatment, whilst I also made an appointment to treat her husband, as it takes two to bring a life into the world!
Ruth continued to do very well and conquer her life again, step by step, feeling positive and confident about herself. The remedy Sepia in different potencies was always needed in her case and always worked in her complaints.
A few months later, she found out she was pregnant! She gave birth to a healthy baby girl at home using her birth homeopathic kit!
She continues to come and see me whenever life becomes a bit challenging and Sepia always brings her back to a balanced state in mind and body!

" hand on heart, the remedy worked for me"

A case of night terrors in a 8-year-old boy
I first saw Alex and his mother in October 2021 to talk about his disturbed sleep, nightmares and night terrors.
His mother reported that he was having nightmares, waking up every night screaming and going to the parent’s bedroom to sleep with them. He sometimes stays asleep during this whole process, sleepwalking and crying. He was afraid to stay alone in his bedroom at night and was looking for comfort in the parent’s room. This was happening every single night and
the family was really struggling with poor, broken sleep.
He was recalling dreams of dying, his mother dying, dreams of falling into lava and volcanoes. Alex is a lovely , generous young boy, sociable, active, has many friends at school and loves to play outdoors. He loves gymnastics, he loves climbing like monkey!
He immediately engaged with me during our chat even though the appointment was on line and he did a great job expressing his feelings. His mum said, he sometimes gets very angry, so angry that can foam through the mouth, he
can throw things at you, say mean things when he gets angry. Sometimes he gets so angry he curses, throws stuff and cannot control his anger.
He regrets his actions and apologises to his mum for behaving like this.
When I asked him about his anger he said: “It is like it is black and white in my head God is in one side, and evil witch is on the other side. God says to be kind and the evil witch takes control over my body and I say mean stuff, shouting, hitting, I feel really sorry an hour later”.
He has a loving, kind nature, he is usually very kind, fun to be around, sensitive to plants and animals he really brings joy to the family.
After thorough analysis, he was prescribed a remedy that matched the totality of his symptoms, mental, emotional, and physical picture. After a few doses of the prescribed remedy his night terrors stopped, his angry outbursts got much better and he stopped screaming at night and sleepwalking. He just goes to sleep and night and wakes up well rested, so does the whole family. The mother reported after a few months:”
" I trusted Yiota with my son as she has been amazing with my case. My 8 years old son had suddenly started having night terrors, which meant that would run to our bed almost every night for the last 7 months! It was distressing for the whole family. Yiota has done a miracle as only few weeks later he started having a restful sleep, no more nightmares or night terrors. It has been such a relief!"
Alex is looking much happier in himself, and we are still working with the family to manage some of his angry outbursts that are becoming less frequent with the appropriate homeopathic treatment.

" No more nightmares or night terrors"

Depression & Anxiety
“As someone who has endured chronic anxiety for several decades and tried everything under the sun Yiota has been a true blessing”
James a man in his 70’s came to see me suffering from debilitating depression anxiety and signs of adult ADHD.
Having being to countless therapies, phycologists, hypnotherapists and taking medication for depression prescribed by his GP, he suffered lots of side effects including severe vertigo from it. "Hypnotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, cognitive therapy nothing worked on any long-term foundation days was all I could expect.”
A friend suggested Homeopathy to him as a last resort and although he was very sceptical he decided to try it.
He was very closed to begin with and I explained the process of the consultations and how I work. It would not be a quick fix, but as long as he was committed to his treatment I wouldn’t give up on him.
James enjoyed the sessions a lot “I have been able to tell her everything, even things I didn’t realise I knew! She really drills down to find a cause(es) of the debility. It is not a quick fix (although somethings can be immediate) for me as it is deeply rooted and it is my own habits that have become so ingrained that Yiota has helped me with, plus some other health issues at the same time.”
James has been coming to see me for 3 years now, and we are still making progress. The consultations and having the time to talk about himself, feel listened to, with no judgement is valued very much by him. “She listens patiently and doesn’t judge, she asks questions and empathises, but at the same time explains all that she does in an easy to follow way.”
He was prescribed various homeopathic medicines throughout the years, sometimes with immediate relief and sometimes with more slow and gentle results.
After his treatments, he is moving forward with life, coping much better with the challenges he faces, is working towards new projects being creative and productive, but most importantly being present for his family.
He coped very well through the lockdowns and continues to do very well.
“My anxiety and depression is under control and with no side effects and no recourse to medication (longest period ever of not having to revert)”
I now see him less often and just prescribe after a short phone call or an e-mail update.
Even though he came to me being quite sceptical about homeopathy, he embarked on a journey to educate himself, bought a basic first aid homeopathic kit and self prescribes for minor ailments when he needs to. “I have learned a lot about the basis of homeopathy and whilst many will be cynical it will only be those (as usual) who haven’t actually tried it”
James has become a great supporter of homeopathy after experiencing wonderful results!
"The value for money to me is priceless, I have spent thousands on private consultations over the years, but nothing has come anywhere near Yiota’s results. I could almost measure that in light years!”
It has been a true blessing and honour to work with him through the years and I can’t wait to hear more about his accomplishments! “Thank you Yiota for giving me my life back."

" thank you for giving me my life back"