Holistic Nutrition
healing, nourishing properties of food...
I absolutely adore food! To me food represents nourishment, growth, healing, fun and joy! From family dinners in Greece, to cooking for friends and family, and creating a Greek supper club for special guests, I learned to appreciate wholesome, delicious food!
So many people have a difficult relationship with food, battling with food addictions and weight problems all their lives. My purpose is to help my clients develop a healthy relationship with food, to be able to live a healthy life, full of joy with food playing a major part.
My goal is to share with you my knowledge on the healing properties of food, not only on a cellular level but especially on how food is healing for our souls as well!
A holistic approach to nutrition means that I will look into your current diet, your way of life, what you like and dislike, any food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, intolerances, or addictions and help you resolve any issues.
I will give simple suggestions and guidance that you can easily follow, so you will not be overwhelmed with expensive, unachievable diets that can only offer a temporary fix.
We will work together to resolve underlying issues around food and not just address the obvious presenting symptoms.
I will also advise on naturopathic practices on detoxification and deep healing, so that food becomes your medicine.
Together we will use the healing, nourishing properties of food to create a healthier, happier, more energetic you!

"let food be
thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food"

Hay Fever Patient
My son had terrible hay fever last summer, eyes so sore it was heart breaking to see. We saw Yiota and after one remedy and only a few days, his eyes were clear and the hay fever was gone. He suffers every winter with croup and has had to have steroids once last year as it was so bad. When he began to get croup last week, Yiota gave us the same amazing remedy and within a few days, he is sleeping through the night with no awful barking cough. The most amazing outcome, so so grateful.
Eczema Patient
I had been suffering with eczema for over 15 years. Before I went to see Yiota, I had tried various creams to try and improve it. Nothing helped the incessant itch I was experiencing. After my first consultation with Yiota she sent me my remedy in the post. After taking it I started to see improvements within a week. After we saw the improvements, I was prescribed a stronger dose, after which the eczema improved so much, it was nearly completely gone. For something that had been chronic for so long, it was incredible to see it improve so much.
Menopause Patient
I was having symptoms of the menopause, hot flushes, low energy levels, lack of sleep and was being a little snappy around my family ... After a couple of sessions with Yiota the hot flushes have disappeared completely, I have so much more energy and feel very positive. I’m sleeping so well every night it’s just amazing!