Laura is a woman in her 50's who consulted me in February 2024 with symptoms of chronic constipation, bloating and abdominal pains. The patient would experience alternating constipation, that would need the use of laxatives for things to start moving and sudden diarrhoea. This condition was affecting her day to day life, as symptoms could come quite unexpectedly, so she would have to plan her day and work around this.
L:"I have had severe constipation for the past 3 months but have been struggling for more than 10 years with my digestion. I have been gluten and dairy free to manage my symptoms, I have been to so many therapists but I haven’t been able to resolve this.
I used to have cystitis as well as candida, so I went on a yeast , sugar free diet and I was very strict to cleanse everything. I am very sensitive to alcohol too, I don’t drink my diet is very good. I have been to the doctors and all the tests have come back clear.
My father died 12 years ago he was my best friend. When my father died I felt lost. He was always encouraging me, he was on my side.
I was devasted I didn’t cry for 3 years , then went to a friend’s funeral and I couldn’t stop crying for 3 months."
At this point I was thinking that this physical issue could potentially be associated with unresolved grief around the death of her father, but I had to keep looking.
L: "I was bulimic when I was a teenager I couldn’t keep the food down, I always felt criticized by my mum. Nothing was ever good enough for her. She was very domineering.
I am strong and independent, not the nurturing kind of person. I never had the urge to have children, I would have felt trapped."
Y: Tell me more bout feeling trapped?
L: "Trapped is screaming, like trapped in a colon I don’t feel trapped with my husband now, I feel restricted though, if I were on my own I would go to Australia in a heart beat.
I feel trapped in this country, I have to pay a mortgage means I have to work, I would love to be able to fly anywhere in the world!
I feel trapped with work I can't get out, I need to get away and travel anywhere!
Trapped is like a mouse , a mouse in a trap. I travelled around, I had businesses that I sold, I moved around and I never settled.
I feel trapped in this country, I cant breathe, I feel bunged up.
I hate doing the same every day, same job all the time, I feel I am stuck in a hamster wheel."
Y: What is the opposite feeling?
L: "Opposite is free, FLYING , I would spread my wings and fly! I would spread my wings to summon a hill, oh man this is SO good!! I would be doing summersaults, I used to have dreams that I was flying around and swoop down, I would summersault that felt amazing!
I am born to fly!
I don’t feel settled in my house I want to build a house from scratch.
It doesn’t feel like my home, I feel trapped.
I love skydiving and snowboard.
I would sell the house and run away, although my husband is quite settled here."

The sensation of feeling trapped and the desire to fly, escape, travel, see the world, as well as her desire for speed, fast sports, fast life unable to settle in one place, led me to the selection of a remedy that comes from the animal kingdom, more specifically a bird remedy, a bird of prey, the Pelegrine Falco. This sensation of feeling trapped and bunged up, is reflected in both the mental and physical symptoms and runs through the whole case.
The remedy was given in 1M potency.
Follow up March 2024
"There is a huge difference with my bowel movements, the constipation is not there anymore.
I feel much more relaxed as well.
The blockage feels better as well, not as painful.
I feel calmer more grounded , I feel stronger internally.
I reached out to one of the neighbours to go for a coffee, I didn’t want to connect before, I am feeling more settled.
I don’t feel as tired as before, I have much more energy.
I don’t feel like I have to chase something anymore."
The remedy Falco Pelegrinus was prescribed again in the same potency and the patient was doing well for months.
Last follow up September 2024:
"I feel much calmer, my bowels are very regular now, I empty my bowels daily.
I have let many things go emotionally, I am expanding my business, I am getting more creative with my work and my time, I love my work now!
All this was a huge weight of my shoulders, I feel lighter now. I love my home!
I want to do some work in my garden make it even more pretty! I don't feel I need to run away all the time, anymore, I still like to be active and physical but my home is here now, I am putting roots and I love the idea!
I feel like I am flying but not trying to escape anymore, I have come back to my self!"

All the physical symptoms are better and she uses homeopathy for any minor ailments at home.
Resolving such a chronic physical symptom in such a short period of time, with only the use of homeopathic medicines and no pharmaceuticals, is nothing short of a miracle. Homeopathy never seizes to amaze me and reminds me everyday how transformative it can be to people's lives. It is a true gift to the world and to humanity.
